
The agreement on charitable teaching and student assistance of Taier was officially signed, and 340,000 yuan was donated to two schools

Source: Hits:0 Turnover Time:2022-06-080:13:24

    On April 26, the charitable teaching and student assistance ceremony of Taier was held in the shareholders’ meeting room on the second floor of Taier. 


    At the signing ceremony, chairman Tai Zhengbiao signed a donation agreement on charitable teaching and student assistance with Ma’anshan No.7 Middle School and Xinbo Center School respectively. 

    Chairman Tai Zhengbiao said that as an enterprise, we are more aware of the importance of talents, and the talent gap is even greater especially in the strategic transformation and development towards digitalization, informatization and intelligence. Through continuous external talent introduction, internal excavation, training and cultivation, we have improved the company’s talent structure and knowledge structure to create a talent echelon. 


    As the saying goes, it takes ten years grow trees, but a hundred to rear people. Talents are needed for realizing China’s centennial dream; the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation needs the support of a large number of strategic talents. The foundation of talent support lies in basic education, teachers and education departments have made arduous efforts and have great responsibilities. We have always thought to carry out teaching and student assistance activities. We hope that through our actions, the society will pay more attention to basic education, and give teachers and students more attention and care to make basic education more solid and effective. 

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